CMN 325
Communication and the Digital Enterprise

1. Course Description
To be successful in today’s workplace requires an understanding of how to effectively identify, communicate, and mobilize data as information and knowledge in the operations of an organization. This course provides students with an opportunity to explore the effects of digital data on changing organizational knowledge and social structures. Students will learn to apply the fundamentals of oral, visual and written communication within digital media environments of text, audio, video, database, and virtual worlds.
Last Revised
CMN 200 or CMN 279. Note: This course is available only to Professional Communication and Creative Industries students
Lecture: 3 hours
2. Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course students will be able to
- Develop and execute an internal digital media and data strategy for an organization
- Integrate and deploy digital media and data-based strategies of employee engagement
- Identify and analyze issues of privacy and workplace digital media and data use
- Identify data and develop data into information and knowledge
3. Topics Covered
- Data information and knowledge
- Employee engagement
- Innovation in the digital enterprise
- Privacy and ethics
4. Teaching Method
Teaching Methods
Classes will consist of lectures, discussions, and workshops.
Evaluation Methods
Evaluation will be based on a platform assignment, two written assignments, and one group assignment.
5. Course Materials
- Readings provided through D2L
- Online resource
6. Policy
6.1 University Policies
Students are required to adhere to all applicable university policies found in their Online course shell in D2L and the Course Outline Policies.
6.2 Print and Digital Copying Guidelines:
Toronto Metropolitan University complies with Canada’s Copyright Act which protects both creators/owners and users of copyrighted materials. Students should familiarize themselves with TMU Copyright policies and procedures, and contact the Copyright and Scholarly Engagement Librarian at for questions, concerns and clarification of the copyright rules.
6.3 is a plagiarism prevention and detection service to which Toronto Metropolitan University subscribes. It is a tool that helps instructors determine the similarity between student work and the work of other students who have submitted papers to the site (at any university), Internet sources, and a wide range of books, journals, and other publications. While it does not contain all possible sources, it gives instructors some assurance that students’ work is their own. No decisions are made by the service; it generates an “originality report,” which instructors must evaluate to judge whether something is plagiarized.
Students agree by taking this course that their written work will be subject to submission for textual similarity review to All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of comparing the similarity of such papers. Use of the service is subject to the terms-of-use agreement posted on the website. Students who do not want their work submitted to this plagiarism detection service must, by the end of the second week of class, consult with their instructor to make alternative arrangements. Even when an instructor has not indicated that a plagiarism detection service will be used, or when a student has opted out of the plagiarism detection service, if the instructor has reason to suspect that an individual piece of work has been plagiarized, the instructor is permitted to submit that work in a non-identifying way to any plagiarism detection service.
6.4 Email Communication
Toronto Metropolitan University requires that any official or formal email communication from students be sent from their official Toronto Metropolitan University electronic accounts.
6.5 Video and Audio Recording
No video or audio recording is permitted in class without the express permission of the instructor.
7. Learning Management System
Toronto Metropolitan University supports Brightspace by D2L as its official Learning Management System. University Policies governing Brightspace have been documented at the Courses @ Toronto Metropolitan University Privacy and Security website.